Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Minivan Fundraiser

We had an appointment to get our oil changed last week and we got a ride in their shuttle van, a Honda Odyssey. The girls loved it and want to know when we're getting a van of our own. I explained that they're fairly pricey items and we're trying to save up for one. They decided they wanted to help and started planning their "fundraiser". A few days later, they jumped out of the pool early and set up their iced tea stand. Unfortunately, our road seems to be the one less travelled and they only got 3 customers (including Daddy). At 25¢ a glass (or free if they don't have money with them), the minivan fund didn't make much progress. The customers were fairly generous and paid $1 per glass so the good news is that the profit margin is higher than expected for this little venture! :)))

Here are the entrepreneurs!

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