Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Shopaholic & Daughter

Lovey has been anxious to go Christmas shopping for at least a week now. She was asking daily when we'd be able to go. She was very insistent that she wanted to buy gifts for her sisters with her own money. I thought she'd give the idea up after awhile but she wouldn't forget it. She barely had any money when she started asking. Then she got $10 from a sweet lady from church who spoils us silly.

As soon as she got home from school she wanted to know when we could go. I told her we had to wait until Murray got home. The minute he walked through the door, she hollered "ok Mum, we can go now!". Since we hadn't eaten, I wasn't quite as ready as she was! Supper was haddock and cheese and I wasn't sure how that was going to go over but she wanted to go so badly that she wolfed it all down, including vegetables in about 5 minutes flat! I haven't seen her eat fish like that since she was 1½!!! We were on our way by 5:15 and I was hoping to catch that window where all the shoppers go home for supper and the evening shoppers haven't come out yet. It worked pretty well, we found a space to park easily and didn't have any big line ups at the checkouts. We even got in and out of Costco in short order & were home by 7:15. (and she dithered terribly in Toys R Us!!!)

She had a whopping $19 to use tonight and she spent every penny and needed to borrow a dollar from me. She was so excited to make selections for them and we had to go back & forth to the different sections to compare and do a few price checks. It was hard to find things she thought they'd like that were within her budget. In the end she was very happy with her selections and so pleased & proud to have made her own purchases! She was so cute on her little spree tonight. Once she was done we celebrated with mini blizzards at Dairy Queen.

When she got home she told her sisters she'd gotten their gifts and that they couldn't peek in the bag! She also told them she'd used all her money for her shopping. Sweetie felt bad that she'd spent all her own money so she gave her the $10 she had gotten in her Christmas card. I wasn't sure what to do about that...??? Lovey thanked her and told her she didn't have to but Sweetie was quite insistent so she accepted it. Afterwards I told Sweetie that she'd been very sweet and generous. She just lit up at that compliment and said how good it had made her feel so good inside to help her sister. She obviously valued that more than the paper money so I guess it's a good investment!

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