Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Another Day, Another Scrape!

Yesterday, Honey walked into a pole at dance class and banged up her eye and got a small cut. Very painful to say the least. So far, no shiner but you can see the cuts on the eyebrow and just below the eye. 

Today Lovey came home sporting this mess! She was playing "hockey" with another girl and they were sitting on the snow, sliding an ice chunk back and forth when the other girl forgot she was  holding it and turned suddenly when someone called her name. Lovey was just in the right range to catch it between the eyes. 

We can't wait to see what Sweetie comes home with tomorrow!

The other day, the gym manager told me she had a business proposition for me! She asked if I'd head up a cross country skiing group twice a week over the winter. There are awesome trails near the club that we can get on and a few of us did this last year. This year they want to promote it more to take advantage of their location. I am featured on the newest poster!!! (ok, well, it's just my name & email address but ya gotta start somewhere right?) I'm not sure what she meant by business proposition as I have yet to be asked for personal details required for payroll.... hmmm another job that doesn't pay anything, just what I needed!!!! LOL at least this one has the benefit of fresh air & exercise and other adult company!

Sweetie helped me practice setting my white balance in camera today using my new gray card! I can imagine your excitement at seeing how I've mastered yet another photography gadget/tool/overpriced piece of cardboard. :))) Well it's fun for me so that's the main thing!

Oh and guess who got their first cavity filled today? She might be directly above this line but I really can't say as she doesn't want ANYONE to know about this development. This morning I was writing the note for her to be excused so I could pick her up and she said "DON'T tell her I'm going to the dentist!!!!" Luckily our dentist only uses white fillings so there's no obvious evidence. It was very small and didn't require any freezing so she was in & out of the chair 10 minutes and $100 later. But you didn't hear this from me....

1 comment:

Unbiased father said...

That is one good looking ski instructor.