Monday, August 13, 2012

Vacation's Over Lovey!

Lovey has had quite a hiatus from her violin practice! I think she had it out 2-3 times (and I think the "3" is me being generous). With music camp starting this week, we had to get her back in the routine of playing again. So this past week she's been doing half an hour after supper but hates to miss any TV time her sisters might be getting! Going from zero practice per day to 3 hours of playing per day was quite a transition I'm sure.

She started camp yesterday and seems glad to be back at it. She was somewhat reluctant to play for Grandad last night after dinner though since she'd already done THREE hours already that day. He won her over though and then she ran through every song she's ever liked (which is quite a few actually!)

and here's our dog of the week!  We only have him for a few more days and then we're dogless again. Not for long though, he's back in early September for two months!

While Lovey's at music camp, the other two are at arts & crafts camp and enjoying themselves there. So once I drop everyone off, I have a couple hours to run wild and free again. Getting groceries today was so much faster without all the questions, requests and distractions!!!

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