Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Beanie Boo Town

These are all the rage at our house these days, they play with them all the time, they go almost everywhere with us, we can't go to bed at night until Waddles, Safari, Pepper, Slush, Coconut, Midnight, Cashmere.... and on and on, are all accounted for, tucked in safely and cozily.

They've been collecting for awhile, getting new ones for birthdays and Christmas and saving up for others. Every new addition is sooooo exciting! They dress them up, develop dramas to act out and do plays for us to watch with dialogue, lighting effects and costumes. Some of their little shows are quite creative and always entertaining! I love to see their imaginations working hard and watching what they come up with for a storyline and how they incorporate the characters.

More stuffed animals usually drive me crazy but ones they actually use and put down their DS, TV and laptop for, I like a lot better. So yay for Beanie Boos!!!

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