Sunday, November 25, 2012

Girls' Game!

Yesterday the girls had their first game with the girls' team they've been working/practicing/training (whatever you call it...) with all season. They usually mostly do drills and not much actual game play. Honey has been quite excited for this event and it's been cancelled a couple of times so by Saturday she was completely psyched up! Lovey was looking forward to it but had a few little games during her week of hockey camp so wasn't as hyped up.

With no knowledge of game rules (positions? where do I go??? offside? whaaa???) other than what Murray managed to throw at them in the dressing room before the start, they hit the ice and managed to stay upright more often than not!

Their team ended up winning 6-5 and they really enjoyed themselves!

 Grandad maintaining his position so he could get a picture of Honey if she got a goal!
 and she sure tried!!!

guess whose kids won "best posed player of the game?"

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