Saturday, August 10, 2013

Paddleboard Adventures

 Grampy got a new toy for the cottage, a standup paddleboard! We've had it out a few times this summer and although I can NOT manage to stay upright on it, others have had more success. Apparently a good centre of balance is key. The trainer at the gym shakes her head in dismay and mumbles to herself as I tip over during some balance move or other "I just don't get it! I have worked on this with you for years...." She doesn't realize I HAVE improved. I never even used to be able to get into a balance move to tip OUT of!

I think Lovey had better luck after she got used to it but the other 2 seemed to get the hang of it faster than we did! I don't think I managed to stay upright more than 2 or maybe 5 seconds. Lovey did better than that so I'm the paddleboard challenged one in the family!

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