Sunday, April 6, 2014

Violin Dry Run

To get ready for violin competition week, Lovey's teacher put together a small concert so the kids could practice their pieces in front of an audience. This is the stuff Lovey lives for, a crowd! She carefully chose her outfit and accessories. She requested that I put her hair in a bun and off we went!

Just before it was her turn, her teacher announced her and said "I just have to tell you, your hair looks perfect! She always likes to make sure her hair is good before she starts to play!" It cracked us up because it's so true, Lovey always does a quick pat to make sure it's all ok before she goes up. Hockey players have playoff beards right? Well this is her good luck ritual maybe! Playing in front of people doesn't concern her but she will NOT have a bad hair day doing it! As usual she gave a strong performance and sounded lovely!

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