Wednesday, May 16, 2007

From the land of the sick....

Ack! what a night! what a day! as I was typing up my "please stand by" post yesterday, I could feel my stomach quaking and knew it was only a matter of time before I got hit. I was initially hoping the upset was from cleaning up after Lovey's mess but no such luck. I got to bed early, hoping some extra rest would fend off the bug but it didn't work. Murray had already been up several times taking Lovey to the bathroom when I felt the wave rising. I tried to be quiet and thought I'd just get the bathroom door shut & flip on the fan to mask some of the noise but apparently there are only so many things you can put off. Vomit isn't one of them. What a mess.
I felt bad for Murray being constantly woken up to run Lovey in so I tried to get up a few times with her but every time I carried her, it made me nauseous again so after the 3rd time, I gave up and lay there uselessly. By morning he was pretty sure I was in no shape to look after the kids and had to take the day off to stay home when he was supposed to be putting the final touches on an order at work that was due to ship out and now it won't be ready for the customer on time. He did go in to the office to get files so he could try and work at home and everyone gave him a wide berth and the VP even held up his fingers in the sign of the cross to try and ward off the evil germs Murray was exposing them to. They didn't really want him there so he got what he needed and came back home.

I napped on and off all day and Honey slept most of the morning & Sweetie most of the afternoon and Lovey crashed for the night at 6pm. Between them they were busy and demanding enough that Murray couldn't really work on anything at all. Sweetie isn't throwing up but she's having a terrible time with the other end and is in a lot of pain whenever she goes to the bathroom, sensitive skin is not her friend at the moment. We thought Honey was all better but she was right in there with the others today. Murray really had a rotten day and is now at the office trying to get a bit of work done before his rumbling tummy does him in!

Now do these look like the girls in the midst of a flu??? This was last night though, before things got bad & we thought that Honey was on the mend.

Here they demonstrate their love of 'nastics

Lovey on the "tumboline" (trampoline)

Synchronized tumboline manoeuvre?

Earlier in the day, we played memory for awhile as I went through every activity I could think of to keep them entertained on the wet miserable day. (little did I know that today would be even worse!)

The other day I tried to see if I could blow dry Sweetie's hair straight. I only managed to tame the curls slightly! She has so many funny expressions!

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