Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Getting tired of girls picking daisies yet????

Today was such a good day here! It always seems to help when there's an outing or activity to fill part of the day. We had playgroup in the morning and we got ready to go with next to no fuss and had a great time there.

ok, slight squabble here when Lovey decided SHE needed to hug Murphy too! Her cranky face sortof took away from the sweetness of Honey hugging Murphy so I cropped her out but on the other hand, it's a true picture of life around here! Everything's "covet-able" : )))

Sweetie wanted to give Murphy some attention (heaven knows he could use some!) so she shared her flowers with him. I'm sure he was very touched by her gesture.

After lunch they read their books as I cleaned up the kitchen. I even got to sit down & read some of my OWN book for a bit as they all sat with me in our bed. It was a brief break but still a treat nonetheless! Eventually we went outside and played in the sandbox which they still love! I got some wash hung out while they did that & then we had a 'picnic' for snack time.

They played well while I got dinner ready, no whining for snacks or anything. This is one of those days where I marvel at what good little girls they really are! (don't ask about yesterday... fight fight fight!)

Since they were behaving so well, I managed to have supper pretty much ready when Murray got home so we were finished much earlier than usual and we tidied up quickly & went out for a walk down the road. They looooooooooove picking flowers. There's hardly a daisy left between here & the farm! We're going to have to switch our route to keep them in flowers.

When daisies started running low, Sweetie kept herself busy planting "rock seeds". Who needs to buy gravel when your daughter can plant a crop for you? Should get her to work on the driveway as it's rather bald looking!

learned how to add 'vignette' look tonight!

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