Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Long Weekend Fun!

a very small sampling of my cousins!

Murray & I debated going to Family Weekend at Auntie Ruth & Uncle Howard's cottage and in the end the pull was too strong. We cannot resist even a quick trip to this wonderful spot!

We arrived on Saturday afternoon and weren't long getting down to the beach. Lots of my cousins were there & as usual, a good time was had by all. The water wasn't too too warm but they enjoyed playing in the sand, building a castle and splashing in the waves. Honey even spent some time throwing Murphy's kong for him. The 2 foot retrieval wasn't overly challenging for him but he followed her every command nonetheless.

The girls especially had a blast! My cousin Jane was there with her husband and their 2 young sons and the kids all chased each other around the cottage. It was pretty cute to hear them squealing and laughing with other children. Usually our visits with other youngsters are of a short duration and they don't get to get this comfortable.

a little trip to the playground while we waited for the tide to go out

for a little girl who was so unsure about the teetertotter, she sure came around!

The downside was that it took forever to get them settled down for bed. After a long busy day I was hopeful that they'd be tired enough to drop off if I let them stay up a bit later than usual. Totally didn't work. They were sooooo hyped up from playing, being at the cottage and using brand new sleeping bags that it was 9:30 before they crashed. It didn't help that it was bright as day in the room (it didn't occur to me to cover the windows until the next night!).

She looks tired doesn't she?

I was so glad we decided to go (even with the crazy bedtime). It's been ages since Jane & I got to spend any length of time together and we always had so much fun as kids. There are only 3 months of my life that don't have Jane in it (she was a little late getting born) so we were pretty close growing up & would spend vacation time together, sometimes at her house or sometimes together at Grammie's. So much fun that is so hard to fit in now as adults. We were able to chat & reminisce and it was great to see her for more than 15 minutes! She & Kevin taught us all a new card game and even Murray enjoyed himself. (Auntie Ruth found him with his laptop and made him join in hehe!)

my Janie!

Even though the weather wasn't the best we've ever had, it was still a great family weekend. I love having so many people around! I can still hear how much the girls laughed while we were there.

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