Thursday, August 9, 2007

Heard in Conversation...

Ok these kids are really getting fancy with their talking! I've been throwing in a few French words, trying to get them to learn a few things "visage" "le nez" "la bouche" "les yeux" etc. Also, we inherited a book of fairy tales that is written in French & they choose this quite a bit for their bedtime story. I'm not sure if they're picking up much of the language from that but they're getting the sound of it anyway! One day I asked Sweetie if she could tell me a French word & she immediately piped up "Apagé!" now as far as I know, this doesn't really mean anything at all but it cracked me up! The other night at supper I asked her if she knew the French word for cherries and she hesitated for a minute, cocked her head to one side, wrinkled her brow and said questioningly "boucalé???" Also complete gibberish I think but omg she's a riot!

Earlier this week Lovey had gone to the bathroom and pooped on the toilet. Shortly after, Honey came along and made a similar addition. Lovey wandered back in & thought the new installment was her own original and Honey tried to set her straight as to the proper ownership. Apparently she didn't just let it go because later on, Honey said to me "Lovey sought it was her poop in the toilet but actually it was mine Mumma" It is so funny to hear words come out that you don't expect or that you don't realize that you use so often! but when I think about it, we do say "actually" quite alot around here. I still think that's a pretty impressive sentence for a 3 year old!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kel!!

I read your blog all the time but never leave a comment... for some reason, by the time I am done (after being interupted a 1000 times)reading someone needs me... sound familiar!

The older the kids get the funnier their conversations will get... Kelsey is picking up big words left, right and center and with school starting in a few week it will be even crazier!

You are a wonderful inspiration and one heck of a mom!!

Take care!