Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas Card Reject

Well it's official! All our cards are officially en route. I ended up with about 4 different designs and after a test print, managed to narrow it down to the one main one. I really wanted to use one of the girls in their fancy dresses but I also wanted to send a family picture. Murray & I debated it. He was for the "girls only" card as he said that everyone would be thinking " I just want to see those triplets!" but I enjoy seeing the group photos & heard the same thing from a couple friends so he got overruled. However, now that the cards are on their way, I can show you one that didn't make the cut! : ))) I sortof hated to scrap this one as I was pretty proud of reconstructing Sweetie's ornament. I'd cut the left half of it off in camera when shooting & didn't notice that it looked odd until after I downloaded. I spent quite a bit of time reconstructing the missing piece, getting it to line it up just so & get those stripes to match up & thought I'd done a pretty good job. But now I can still show it off. Gotta love the world wide web!

Merry Christmas to all our family & friends, near and far! I hope you have a wonderful holiday & that your 2007 was as rich in blessings as ours!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

PLEASE, please may I have a copy of this photo to show all my Fla.and other friends? It is adorable! Enjoyed the visit today and thanks again for putting the piano together. Have just finished practising my one finger renditions of the Christmas carols,and should be ready to perform publicly by next year! Good night,Luv,Old Nanny.