Wednesday, December 19, 2007

It's a Winter Wonderland!

It seems like it snows every day lately! This is making for some nice high snowbanks already and everyone's enjoying the playtime outdoors. I try to get them out most days unless it's frostbite weather. The getting ready to go out part is tricky but the fresh air and change of scenery is totally worth it!

Yesterday we were heading out & Honey looked at me & said "Mummy! Where's your camera?!?!" I wasn't going to bother taking more snow shots so I told her I didn't think we needed any pictures that day. She said "Yes we DO!" Murray says that the concept of a day without having her picture taken is totally foreign to her : )

Today we didn't get out in the snow but we had a lot of fun anyways. It was the playgroup Christmas party and we danced to some festive music, decorated Christmas cookies, had treats, coloured Christmas pictures and played with the usual toys etc. It's the fastest 2 hours of the week.

As if that wasn't enough excitement, Gran-Grad came & met us at the end & took us all out to lunch and then we helped him shop for Grammie for awhile. Lovey spotted him arrive at the church and ran over to tell him "I'm so glad you're here!". We enjoyed our lunch date & the girls were really well behaved at the mall.

I thought I'd gotten all my cards finished & sent out but when I double checked my list, I noticed I'd missed a couple. Even worse, I had cards left but no envelopes and had to make my own out of the girls' construction paper. Claaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassy! Not pretty but they're definitely done & going out in the mail tomorrow. I've also got a good portion of my Christmas treats ready! Three batches of toffee crunch candy, Aunt Caroline's party mix and some brown sugar shortbread cookies. I just need to whip up some fudge and maybe some cream cheese sugar cookies and then we're all set I think! Murray finished up his shopping last night & got a couple things for the girls so they're pretty much taken care of and I just need a few odds & ends which I can hopefully accomplish in one outing on Friday when Murray starts my vacation.... err I mean HIS vacation hee hee! He works tomorrow & then he's off til Jan 7th or 8th (I can't remember which) Woohoo!! Even though it's a good long span, I find it goes soooooo fast with all the holiday stuff in there. I always expect there'll be lots of time to do this & that, all those things I've put off all year that are non essential but "would be nice to do" (cleaning off my scrapbooking desk so I can actually SEE it & maybe use it occasionally).
Lately I find the girls are playing much better together & sharing more (usually pretty good) and they tend to keep themselves busy and I can get some chores done during the day. Although to look around here, I'd be hard pressed to prove I'm accomplishing much!

We have another lunch date lined up for tomorrow at Old Nanny's so we're looking forward to that! Big week for us & we like outings : )))

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