Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Target Practice

Have I ever mentioned that I get a little bored driving in the car??? I had my camera with me (shocker!) so decided to play around, work on some focussing etc. This proved hard to do when the car causes a bit of vibration! I got a lot of blur but some interesting scenes on the way to M&D's for Sunday dinner!I have no idea what this game was all about but it had these two in hysterics! The giggling going on back there was wild. Anything beats the screaming travels though so we don't say too much about happy mayhem until the shrieks get to a certain piercing pitch.
I looked back again to check on the latest round of laughter only to see this looking back at me. It was so unexpected, so bizarre that I wasn't able to keep a straight face as I told them to GET THOSE OUT OF YOUR MOUTH" and that only made them laugh harder. I'm not sure what made them think this was a good idea but it took awhile for the novelty to wear off.
and then there was Bunny/Sarah/Tricia....

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