Monday, December 29, 2008

Bye Bye Love! Hello Loneliness...

Ok so we're not suffering toooooooooo much but Lovey is gone! She has cashed in for a reward of a sleepover at Grammie's house. She was very excited to pack her bag and get her things ready to go and kept asking what time Grammie was coming for her. Mum has a few days of vacation and is going to spend most of them having sleepovers so they can each have a special visit of their own.
They've been talking about this for quite awhile & have been looking forward to it. I'm not sure this will be much of a vacation really but it will be HUGE for them. So, Mumma & Papa C, THANK YOU verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry much! When they get to go somewhere on their own it means so much to them & they greatly enjoy having someone's full attention for a change and they talk a mile a minute sometimes because they can!

The girls left behind were a little put out that Lovey was going off to the coveted playland but bounced back quickly. I was out doing a photoshoot & they stayed home with Murray & got to watch one of their new movies and when I got home, they hit me up to play with the locked up Polly Pockets that haven't been out in months and months. Within a few minutes, it was easy to remember how they'd gotten banished to underneath our bed! Fight fight, whine, whine, I want, she has, I need, that's mine, you can't have, where's my, Hey you took..... They did clean them up very nicely when we said it was story time though so I may let them out of the box again tomorrow but we'll see.

At bedtime, Honey was quite concerned with sleeping alone in her bedroom without Lovey. She was starting to get upset so I asked Sweetie if she'd sleep in Lovey's bed tonight. She jumped out from under her covers, hollering "Just a minute Honey!!!!!!!! I'll be RIGHT there! DON'T Worry, I'm coming!!!!!!!!!!" and she bounded right into the room, full of tips on how Honey could burrow under her blankets if she felt scared because "that's what I do when I get scared in my room!"
Then after the lights were out & we'd already given hugs & kisses, I was in the bathroom cleaning up stuff & I overheard them saying goodnight to each other. "I love you very very much Honey" "I love you very very much too Sweetie".
How cute is that?????????

ok, so I played with the Polly Puke-Its too but only artistically & for photography practice!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Honey's gone and Sweetie is here but she arrived with only 3 kisses and she was saving them all for Grammie.
I discovered after supper that good food might help re-build the supply of kisses.
A couple of shortbread cookies and one cherry chocolate did the trick.
I got 10 kisses when she went to bed.