Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Toddler Chat VI (or something)

Last week, Lovey was very keen on helping me out in the kitchen. She helped clear the table off for supper, then set it & then put away a bunch of stuff that didn't belong in there and then asked to wash the dishes. I told her what a good helper she was being and how impressed I was etc. She told me "I like helping you. I can do some of your jobs and then you won't have so many things to do and then you won't have to say "oh CRAP!" all the time."

Murray was reading the kids one of their bedtime stories and came across a word he thought he'd better explain.

Murray- girls, dilemma means the same as "problem"
Sweetie: yeah Daddy, another word for that is predicament

On Tuesday, Sweetie came out to the kitchen holding a bunch of coins in her hand.

Me: Where did those come from?
Sweetie: my bubblegum machine
Me: What are you doing with them?
Sweetie: I want to give it to the poor people.

We put the money in a little baggie to take to church. Last winter, almost a year ago, we heard about a single mom with 2 young girls, one the same age as our girls who were having a hard time and had a totally empty cupboard. So we went through our pantry and gathered some things to donate & then I bought some more stuff at the grocery store, including some bubbles as Easter was coming up. Sweetie remembered this family and wanted her coins to go to the little girls that we gave the bubbles to. It's amazing what they can remember sometimes. That was a one time event, ages and ages ago (especially to a 4½ year old!) but she was very specific and very serious.

She also decided to get her teddy bear bank and looked at what she had in there and added ALL of it to the bag because "I don't need anything and I don't need that money but that family will be very excited to get my coins. Daddy has money and he gets what we need." Mind you, our money tree out back doesn't work any better than anyone else's but she is right, Murray's got her basics covered and her life won't suffer any for her generosity so I didn't try to talk her out of it. Honey & Lovey came along and got in on the conversation and then ran to their bedroom & were back with their banks in no time. They dumped out all their coins onto the table and started adding to the bag. Lovey decided she didn't need any of hers either and added it all. Honey thought maybe she might need a bit and decided to save some but still put the majority of what she had. I let them talk it out & do what they wanted but it was an interesting conversation!

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