Thursday, March 26, 2009

Yay for Days with Plans!!

I dropped the kids off this morning & then came home to do some housework as we have more company coming this weekend and the last guests were soooooooooo rowdy and they trashed their room again. I'm not sure why Murray lets them get away with that.... ;)))

When I got there, the girls were ramped up like you wouldn't believe. They were looking forward to our McD's lunchdate with Boo & Cheech. The 5 of them were just wild with anticipation. Pretty funny to see them so worked up. They could hardly concentrate to get their boots on they were so busy running around being goofs. Walking out the door they kept telling each other "No! you don't have to say goodbye to me! Just "see you LATER!" because we're going for LUNCH AT MCDONALD'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Cheech's little sister & her mom were supposed to come too but the youner girl was sick. Cheech started crying when her mom said she wouldn't be able to go afterall but Teena & I fixed that. Her mom dropped her off & I took her home afterwards while Teena stayed with the rest in the play thing. They had a blast at the restaurant and were really good!

Once I got back from Cheech's, we got our kids packed up & went to the library. We had books to return so we decided to make a group trip and get some more. The girls were excited to show Daddy their "new" books :)

On the way home I remembered we needed bread so we stopped at the store & I let them pick out some cotton candy for dessert. Did you know it comes in different flavours?!?!?! It was quite a discussion. Honey wanted the purple kind, although she likes nothing else that is grape flavoured. It took awhile for them to come to a consensus. I just walked away and told them we weren't getting any if they couldn't agree on one kind. Boy did that get settled in a hurry! LOL

They thought it was completely scandalous to eat such blatantly sugary junk at the table!!!!!! Supper was fuss free and good portions were actually consumed. I might get more cotton candy if they're going to eat vegetables without a fight :)

After supper we went for a bike ride to give Murphy a bit of exercise and we went all the way to the main road and back. We picked up a follower along the way & he accompanied us & helped me corral the kids. He's so good with them! He was watching for cars & he kept up with whoever was in the lead, helped them up if they tipped, gave them a push if they got stuck etc. He's almost 16 & takes the time to hang out with us, isn't that sweet???????

The girls were tired out from the bike ride but they still had energy for stories so they got some of their new books read to them & then it was bedtime.

How's that for action packed??????

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