Monday, July 27, 2009

Twenty Bucks

Many times, as Murray has been about to leave, the girls get upset. Why is he leaving us? Why does he have to go? Why does he have to work????? We've often said that Daddy has to to go work to make money to look after us, pay the bills etc.

The morning departure is a disaster about 95% of the time. They all try to out yell each other, get in more "I love YOU's" than the other, wave their arms off, blow kisses until Murray can barely walk under the load of them he must be bearing and someone is always sure that he didn't wave to THEM! or he didn't catch their kiss or he did catch the kiss and it really just wanted to land on his back-ack or it was going to fly ahead and wait for him on his desk.... and there is generally at least one girl in tears after he leaves.

One day, they started hollering after him "MAKE TWENTY BUCKS!!!!!!". I thought this was interesting. They obviously don't know the value of money but I'm not sure how they arrived at "twenty". I mean, if I got to actually pick, heck, I'd be yelling "MAKE A MILLION!!!!" but maybe they thought $20 was quite a tidy sum??? Sometimes when he gets home from work, they'll ask "did you make $20 Daddy????" and he tells them that he did.

Finally, I asked them "What does Daddy do at his office?" Well, he makes money of course. They thought he was literally at his desk with scissors, paper, pencils/crayons and all other supplies and sitting there all day creating the money.

So when you wonder how we afford this glorious lifestyle, now you'll know, we just make more money when we need it!!!!!!!!!!

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