Thursday, September 3, 2009

Grammie's Princesses

Grammie's always on the lookout for interesting things to do with the girls, to make for the girls etc. She found this ready made fabric (including the gathered part at the top that for the life of me I can't remember the name of at the moment! ugh!!!) She put these together and as soon as the girls saw them at her house on Sunday, on they went! They started right into their princess roles, recruiting Murray as the prince and then we told them to come out to the royal gardens so I could get some pictures :)

They ran around the field, picking flowers and playing for a long time! Their games are always very involved, the dialogue intense and the roles defined :)

Honey appointed herself the leader (note the hands on hips stance) and was telling them how everything was going to go down. Someone questioned this and she struck this pose and said
"I'm the leader and I get to make up all the rules!"

They had to strip the petals off the flowers and save them and then on her count, they were to shower her with them. It's amazing how they take this from her. I'm wondering how much longer she can get away with this and when the mutiny sets in??? Although, the roles seem to rotate and they each get their bossy turn in regularly.

I'd read about some sunflare shooting techniques and tried to get the 'starburst' look. I was happy to see it turn out similar to the shots I'd seen on the MCP Actions blog! Yay me!

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