Thursday, June 24, 2010

Party #2

We had our first party with friends from school. It was a bit stressful getting ready to have strangers come over! I managed to get the house & yard fairly respectable and just let 'er rip.

The kids had a great time of course. Our girls were so excited for their birthday and drew up charts to help them count down the days. One morning last week Sweetie crawled into our bed after Murray had gone for his run and she fell back asleep (thank goodness!). When the alarm went off, her little eyes popped open and she looked at me, smiling, and said "four more days til my birthday!!!!). It was their first waking thought every day!

I cleaned and baked and decorated cakes so I put Murray in charge of planning the games. Other years it's been a free for all and they just ran around and played til it was time for presents and cake. This year they decided we should have real games & I couldn't think of anything and was up to my ears in icing and cake anyway and couldn't focus on entertainment!
Luckily we had the trampoline to occupy some of the time and everyone loved that! Murray did some searching online and found a couple ideas to take care of the rest.

We were very fortunate to have Nanny & Auntie KK on hand that weekend! They helped me re-attach all the smarties that had fallen off when the pillars fell over in the box I'd carefully stored them in a few days ahead of time. They sugared up all the turrets for the cakes too! looked after party guests and did tonnes of laundry while they were here. No wonder they needed a rest!

The kids did a water relay which was a great game on a hot day! After the winning team had filled their bucket, they went wild with the sponges on Murray but didn't care for throwing them at each other. Lucky for him, he's a fast runner!

and here are my cakes for this year! The girls picked the design off the box the castle kit came in. I thought it would be faster/easier but it turned out to be about the same as the other castles with flowers.
Honey's cake, purple of course! The poor doll's skirt is going to look like swiss cheese one of these years soon if they don't get off this princess kick!

Lovey wanted a yellow cake but I found out afterwards that she wasn't too crazy about the purple trim. It should have been white. Well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me! LOL

Sweetie's princess is sporting a very fashionable orange frock!

At the end of the party there was a treasure hunt to find the loot bags for the guests. Unfortunately it took longer to open presents than I'd expected and we were running behind. People were arriving to pick up the kids before we'd finished. Since all the loot bags were hidden, I didn't want anyone going home without theirs. Finally the last gift was opened and they started opening the clues.
It didn't take them long to race from each spot to the next clue. The only one that slowed them down was buried in the sandbox and Murray helped them find the right spot.
and voila! there they are in the trees. A great party and the girls were so happy with their day!

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