Friday, June 25, 2010

The Kindergarteners Have Left The Building!

This has been a fast year! It doesn't feel that long since I posted "The Babies Have Left The Building" back in September and now Kindergarten is practically behind us.

Honey has learned that she likes to be first in line and races to get ready in the morning. Her sisters rarely beat her to the line up!
Here she is in her favourite seat so she can wave to us as they leave.
They've grown a bit since Sept and I love how her posture has changed! LOL

The girls have really enjoyed their year in kindergarten. This morning they're torn between excitement over starting summer vacation and sadness to leave their teachers. Honey hopes her teacher comes back to the school (her position isn't determined yet) to be her teacher every year. Lovey says she'll really miss her teacher and Sweetie has been hugging her teacher all week and looking up at her and batting her eyelashes to show her how much she loves her.

I'm not sure how summer will go, right now I'm excited that we don't have to rush out the door every morning, I don't have to pack those freaking lunches anymore and I get my girls back! I have a feeling they're going to be a little harder to entertain now that they're used to a full scheduled day of busy-ness. I already hear "I'm booooooooooooooooored!" way too much. I can only imagine what it will be like now!

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