Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Boys Calling!

I answered the phone on Saturday and no one spoke. I thought it was a telemarketer and was about to hang up when

a little boy voice said "is is Honey & Lovey's mom?"
Me: (trying to keep from laughing) yes it is! Who's this?
Boy: It's N.
Me : Hi N! What are you up to today? (with 2 girls behind me squealing and giggling "it's N!!!!!!"
Boy: oh I just wanted them to play today
Me: well that would be fun but it's almost supper time, can I talk to your mom or dad? maybe we can make a plan another time.

Holy cow! They're six and the boys are calling for dates already! It was too cute! I couldn't get over how this little boy dialed us up and wasn't the least bit hesitant about talking to me. His mom got on the phone and I detected a Spanish accent so asked her if she spoke Spanish and she did so we flipped over and I got to have a good long conversation and get some good practice in! They live not too far from here so we're going to try to get the kids together next weekend. I asked if she'd found our number in the book but it turned out that he'd asked for it at school and Honey wrote it down for him. Isn't this a bit young for her to be handing out her phone number to BOYS!?!??!?!? LOL This is funny now but I bet I won't be nearly as amused when teenage boys are on the line!

In other news, our boy found himself a skunk. in the backyard. not sure how this happened but I don't like it one bit! I'm hoping he just scared one that was nearby on the other side of the fence because the thought of one rumbling around back there where one of us could encounter it is unbearable. Murphy hasn't found it again so I'm optimistic that it has left!

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