Friday, November 12, 2010

Burning Up!

We tend to accumulate a fair amount of debris around here. A fence falls apart, a construction project's remnants, packaging and who knows where else this stuff comes from! We sometimes save it up til we have a truckload and then hire someone to come haul our load of crap away. This time I noticed most of it was wood, the old steps, the pickets from the fence. Why pay to send that to the dump when we have a perfectly good firepit???? So we fired that sucker up and spent the afternoon slowly burning small piles at a time. We had a lot of rain earlier in the week so the yard was still pretty damp and the kids enjoyed helping. Murray wasn't so sure about letting them have "fire sticks" as he put it but no one lost an eye or got singed so I consider it successful family togetherness!

They got their work gloves on to help haul the boards to the backyard and we tended the fire (and closely monitored firestick usage). They were hoping to roast some sort of treat but we were out of hotdogs and it was getting close to supper so marshmallows wouldn't have been a good idea.

It took hours but we got rid of a huge pile of wood scraps (no shims were injured Dad, don't worry!)

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