Wednesday, January 26, 2011


The girls went skating with their school this week and loved it! When we went over the holidays, it was an awful back breaking event! No one wanted to skate on their own, they were terrified of trying to glide along at all. It seemed like the hundreds of dollars spent on skating lessons last winter had been a complete waste!! This trip though gave me more hope! Honey was still cautious but maneuvered around well on her own without hanging on to anyone by the end of the skate. She was just taking walking steps with her skates and falling down and saying "SEE????" She claims her instructors never showed or told her how she was supposed to slide along the ice. After practicing a bit, she was doing much better. They were only there for half an hour but it was enough to give her some confidence :)))

Lovey & Honey didn't even wait for me to get my skates on. Once they were laced & helmet headed, they were off like a shot and I had to go find them among the throngs of grade oners! Suddenly everything had come back to them and they were loving being able to zip around the ice with their classmates. They couldn't get enough and were disappointed when it was time to pack up and can't wait to go again!

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