Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Field Trip!

Honey's class went to check out the hospital last week and they were able to see a lot of equipment and learn about the jobs there. They each got a finger cast done which they loved! Lovey's class already went on a different day but I wasn't able to go that day. When Lovey came home, she managed to put on quite a sad face and sadly say "Mummy, something bad happened at school today". Immediately concerned, I asked her what had happened and she pulled her hand out from behind her back and showed me cast on her finger (which she'd colored red to look bloody?) and said "I broke my finger!". Of course I had a mini panic moment and then realized a) the school would call me immediately if she'd broken anything and b) she'd had her hospital tour that day.

After getting their casts and checking out some equipment, they kids all got a tour of the pediatric unit which they were very interested in. The whole thing was over 2 hours and by the time we got back to the school, it was almost noon.

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