Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Christmas didn't get started around here til almost 7:30! unless of course you count the fact that I woke up every 20 minutes from 5:22 on :))) I'm not sure at what age I started waking my parents up at 4am but I'm sure my sleeping in days on Christmas morning are numbered!

At 7:20 I finally heard stirring in the other room. One little voice whispered to another little voice "It's Christmas!!!" The other little voice asked "I wonder if we're allowed to get up yet??!?!??!" That was all the prompting I needed & I flew out of bed to go get them!

We went downstairs to check out our stockings and found............... silly string!!!!!!!!!!!

 Once we'd made a big ol' mess, we checked out the rest of our stuff and then ran up for a quick bowl of cereal before getting down to some serious ripping & tearing!
Lovey had anxiously been waiting for this sequel since last year in Grade 1 when she read the first one. She was very pleased to finally have her hands on Smells Like Treasure! In fact, we had to make her put it down so we could open gifts! Diehard reader or what?

 As they opened their gifts, they were so appreciative, pleased and excited. They constantly thanked us all morning which was so nice to hear! They got many new toys and gadgets but were just as thrilled when they opened their bibles as anything else they received. Honey immediately opened hers and said "Oh good! now I have to look up Matthew 4!!!" So very serious that one!

Then we had the big finale. Just when he thought all was said and done I told him there was one more present to open. He looked all around but couldn't see it anywhere. I suggested he move the couch and sure enough there was something back there...

 His very own canvas! but I might enjoy it now & then too ;)))

and since I didn't make it into any Christmas pictures this year, here's Murray with one of my toys! a wireless receiver for my flash unit.  Woohoo! (trust me it's more exciting than it looks!)
Once gifts were all open, they dug into their stockings for more candy and had a minor feast on that until it was time for Belgian waffles with strawberries whip cream and chocolate sauce! Mmmmm mmmmmm good! only once a year or I'm sure we'd blow up!

After our healthy lunch, we got ready to head to M&D's for stage II and the festivities continued there. Every year Mum says she has cut back and is not getting as much but so far there's been no evidence of that. We are thoroughly spoiled by all the parents I think! (mind you, I'm not complaining!)

Christmas dinner was excellent and will give me something to do at the gym this week! I hope everyone had as wonderful Christmas as we did! The girls were so well behaved all day, remembered their manners and despite all the activity, never acted up at all!

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