Monday, December 26, 2011

One Good Day

is apparently all we're entitled to around here! Yesterday's well behaved, mild mannered children were not here to stay! Lovey had a one hour crying, screaming jag about pants. Then later in the day Sweetie followed suit for just about the same amount of time over a sewing dilemma!

In between mood swings, they worked on a lot of Harry Potter Lego, bopped along to their MP3 players, singing their  hearts out, started their crystal formations, built a robot, made their own gum and read their books.

Bedtime was a gong show as the book they're reading hit a creepy spot right before lights out. Hoping to have them settle more, we let them read for awhile in bed but by 9pm it was time for sleep. or so I thought! Sweetie was too scared. Honey's book was too sad and Lovey probably would have gone to sleep if the other two hadn't been carrying on.

I finally offered to let Sweetie sleep in my bed as that sometimes helps. However the other 2 heard that and were outraged at the injustice of the special privileges being doled out! I told them they could all crawl in if they wanted. What a waste of time! Two more trips up there to tell them to settle down as they fought over who got the middle, who had the most blankets, who was talking too much.... Honey didn't really want to be in there anyway but did NOT want to be alone in her room. On my last trip upstairs, I gave a warning that if they hadn't worked it out and settled down in 5 minutes, the sleepover at my place was cancelled. Almost exactly 5 minutes later, Honey comes tip tapping down the stairs, clutching Baabaa and says "they're still whispering!". So I told her they were all going back to their own beds then. "Good!" she says and happily heads back upstairs. "but this makes you a tattle tale!!!" I tell her. She remains unfazed by this and heads off!

Sweetie was still terrified of sleeping alone, so I told her to crawl in with Lovey but she had to be quiet or she was going to her own bed. Seems to have worked out ok :)

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