Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year's Festivities!

We brought in the new year with Murray's family this year and had a whirlwind of a weekend! Murray's on vacation til the girls are back in school so we were able to stay longer than usual. This allowed us to fit way more stuff in!

We arrived at midday Friday and grabbed a bite to eat and then went skating with Nanny and Auntie KK. Unfortunately some punk with a whistle decided the snowboarding helmets were not up to par as they were not CSA approved. We then had to get in a loooooooooooooooooong line to borrow appropriate headgear for the girls. That's all fine and dandy and I like to follow the rules and all that but let me tell ya, I was incredibly annoyed EVERY time we passed someone towing a kid in a freaking' BICYCLE helmet on the ice!!!!!!!! We wasted 45 minutes in that stupid line when what we should have done is hopped the fence in a different place! The guy that stopped us explained that it was because the helmets were only single impact and not multi impact. He didn't appreciate my promise that we would only let them fall once!

Sweetie was NOT living up to her moniker in her hockey helmet. She was determined to be miserable because she thought other people would think she looked dumb in the helmet. Skating lackadaisically, slumped over, at a snail's crawl with a big frown didn't look dumb at all though I guess. I'll take bad attitude for $200 please Alex! oh and a 15 minute time out when I get home! There wasn't any fixing her on the ice so I gave up, dragged her around until she forgot she was supposed to be miserable and by then the skate was over anyway. Lovey was on the other end of the spectrum of course and gave Nanny a workout trying to keep up with her. Honey very appropriately and cautiously skated at an enjoyable pace and observed all safety regulations!

I thought the skating and fresh air might tire them out and have them asleep early but the excitement of camping out in Nanny's room overpowered any sleepiness they might have felt. It was well after 10pm when they finally conked out!

The next morning I went out to meet a couple of friends I used to work with when we lived there. We had a great chat and many laughs as usual as we got caught up on each other's happenings. It went much too fast and I had to cut out early to make it to our next family event!

Murray, the girls & I, Nanny, Auntie KK, Uncle Andrew, Aunt Mandy & Mr. Bojangles all went swimming at the new facility in town. A very swanky pool with awesome waterslides, a huge pool, lots of floaty toys and lots of floor fountains to play in! The girls thrashed and splashed for almost 2 hours before we headed home.

I got ready and went to meet my friend Alisa and get her pictures ordered from the newborn session we'd done last time I was in town and I also got fed lots of yummy New Year's Eve snacks! I went from there to the party at Andrew & Mandy's where we played Balderdash while the kids ran wild, watched tv, stuffed their faces with cheesies and I'm not sure what else! We didn't make it to midnight though, but the girls got surprisingly close! We thought Lovey was going to check out when she crawled into a warm cozy bed in a dark room to watch tv but she & the others all hung on til it was time to go home. The quiet car ride was no match for even their staying power though. They were out like lights in minutes!

Sunday was a more relaxing day and our only activity besides lounging, was dinner at Karen & Paul's, Chinese food yummmmm!!!! We'd been wanting some for awhile so when Karen told us we were getting take out a couple weeks ago, it was pretty exciting news! (yeah, I know. but remember, we don't get out much!)

Today I dragged the kids out of bed by 8:30, trying to get out of this sleep in all morning, party all night schedule we've got going on! We drove home through a rainstorm and got here just in time to make some supper. (tuna noodle casserole that was met with much scorn from the little people!) We also enjoyed the reject cake I saved from certain destruction at Nanny's!!! :))) Yay for screw ups!!! haha!

A few snapshots from the weekend away!

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