Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Off to the races!

With all the talk of running around here lately, Grandad thought he'd take on the challenge. He was pretty sure he could beat them... for 30 feet. and he was right! he gave most of the credit to his special foot wear with the nice strap on the back! Yep, those are Crocs folks! I was a little concerned that the race might not even last 30 feet but he made it there & back and then back again! All that golfing must be doing good things for his cardiovascular strength!

After the "races" we went to check out his new ride at the golf course and took it out for a spin. Good thing there weren't many golfers on the course because these girls don't know the course etiquette yet and were having waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much fun on the tour! Honey & Lovey each took a turn steering on my lap as I worked the pedals but Sweetie wasn't too sure about it so she just held Bunny and enjoyed the trip!

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