Monday, April 2, 2007

Happy Anniversary M&D!

My parents had their 36th anniversary yesterday and we all went out to dinner at Ponderosa. As kids, if we ate out it was often at McDonalds (well from what I remember anyways) and going to the golden arches was never a problem! but SOMETIMES for a special treat, we went to Ponderosa, the land of FREE refills and where your food didn't come in a cardboard box but on a nice shiny metal tray and they had all sorts of rusty cool tools on the wall. Dale & I got in trouble once when Dad realized we had slurped down 7 'swamp waters' and we got cut off from the soda fountain! So it's always fun to go back there (without the getting in trouble part!)

We timed it perfectly & got in there, ordered our food & hit the salad bar before the rush and before super crankiness set in.

Last night we behaved though and only had 1 or 2. The girls just drank their milk and all in all it went well and Murray, well, I'm not sure if he'll be invited back. (you know how wild he gets). Once they'd eaten, the girls turned their 'cute machines' on high and put on a show for the other diners. They danced and hopped around, giggling and smiling at everyone, twirling and singing. They were just the gosh darned cutest kids I'd ever seen. After a few minutes of this, Murray & I went into evacuation mode. This 'happy hour' is usually a straight path to Tantrum City. They're getting colds, were up at least 15 times the night before and had been miserable, fussy & whiny most of the day.

We got them outside while the public were still of the opinion that they were 'just darling' and they ran around on the sidewalk in the parking lot for a little while. We got them home with only Lovey crying most of the way. It took them awhile to settle down for bed but there weren't too many fits so we were lucky!

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