Saturday, August 18, 2007

A Real Shoot 'em Up!

Well I had my big debut as a photographer's assistant today & I think it went really well. Shooter Shelley was really appreciative of my help and is still going to let me come back next week for another one so that has to be a good sign right?

I couldn't believe how fast 5 hours went! I thought that at some point, I'd start to get a little bored but we kept changing things around, going to different places, shooting different people.. before I knew it, it was time for me to go. I left before they started the reception and I almost hated to miss the end. We went to so many spots! The church, an old barn, down by the water, an old Victorian home, the art gallery, parliament buildings.... I have no idea how this poor bride is going to make her selections!

She kept asking me if I wanted to leave & offered to let me off the hook for next weekend if I hadn't liked working with her. What is she, crazy???? I can't wait to go back for more! She seems to think this was a lot of drudge work for me but there wasn't really that much stuff to carry. I just thought the whole thing was fun! I don't even remember the "work" part. If it was something I had to do every single weekend, the novelty might wear off but pitching in for 2 weddings in one year isn't going to burn me out by any means!

I can't wait to see the picture gallery for this couple from today & I'm excited to go and do it again next Saturday. Today's was the easy one, only 2 attendants and 30 guests and no pressure for time at all. Next week will be more challenging.

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