Sunday, August 19, 2007

Wild but not wet.

No sleep ins today, well, not for me anyway... I had everyone up, fed, bathed & almost dressed when Murray decided to join the rest of the world! I should have gotten him sooner because it was a scramble to get myself ready on time!

I'm trying to get the kids used to the idea of going off to Sunday school with the rest of the kids so Murray & I both can stay for the service. There's no choir in the summer so I thought I'd work on this. We talked about it in the car on the way there but Sweetie immediately asked if I'd be going with them. We missed the last couple of weeks but hopefully we can get them trained up so that by fall they will go up without us right there all the time. Murray stayed in church & I went with them & helped out the Sunday school leader who is now trying to steal me away from the choir ; ))

We were lucky to be there today, major bakesale going on afterwards! Woohoo! Some of the kids from the youthgroup are going on a mission trip next week to help an area that was badly flooded recently so they're trying to raise funds. Besides the bakesale, there was also a luncheon so we didn't have to make anything when we got home.

After lunch Murray worked on a troublesome water tap outdoors. It's been leaking and wouldn't turn off properly. He was able to get it working, after one trip to the hardware store & much tinkering.

Once that was all in order, we hit the road for TV & got to M&D's without being too much later than usual. They'd set up the waterslide thing that the girls had enjoyed on Friday but since it was so much cooler today (is that it? is summer officially over already???????) they didn't turn the water on & just let them slide on it dry. It didn't dampen their enthusiasm one bit! They kept asking to have the water on and we explained many many times that it was too cold but they still had a blast on it. I'm curious to see them use it with the pool filled at the bottom and the sprinklers running at the tunnels! From what I saw this afternoon, I'm not really sure how it could get any better than THAT!

a little something Mum picked up one day....

now, THAT doesn't look too good Lovey!


Unknown said...

I was wondering where you were - I'm so sorry about Murray's grandma. It's so sad that no one gets together except at funerals!

The slide looks fun - can we come?! :)

Take care,

KelMur & Co. said...

thanks Kara!

and definitely yes, come on up anytime! We can all take our triplets, do some camping & then play on my mother's waterslide!! lol