Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Another day...

a self portrait, McKara style!

Nothing spectacular to report, or that I can remember to report! I'm pretty sure there was something funny at suppertime but I can't bring it to the surface for the life of me. Maybe it'll come to me tomorrow...

a little picnic! (the awesome hats are from sundayafternoons.com highly recommend them!

Slow day, no outings, no visitors... but not as much screeching as yesterday so that's good. Lovey did have a little defiant moment when I wanted her to wait before dumping all the playdoh tools onto the still dirty kitchen table. She looked at me & tipped it over & I got cranky. Told her to leave the kitchen & that she couldn't play for a few minutes. Then when the timer beeped, I asked her to apologize for not listening to me. She stood there with a little smile playing on her lips & refused. She was totally psyched for playdoh & realllllllllly wanted to get in there with her sisters but she was disinclined to acquiesce to my request (been waiting to work that in for you Dad!) and chose instead to sit in the living room by herself for over an hour while the other two playdoh'd their little hearts out. I kept going and asking if she was ready & each time she'd start to come back & then realize I was still waiting for that apology & she'd change her mind. She seems partly stubborn and partly embarrassed, as if by apologizing she is acknowledging her wrongdoing and admitting guilt and so she's having no part of that because if she doesn't own up to it, then she's still innocent???? It's bizarre but I've seen her do this often, she knows, I know and she knows that I know that she knows she's goofed up! If she's this stubborn now, do I dare wonder what she's going to be like as a teenager???? *shudder*

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Heehee - love your self portrait. :)

The girls are so freakin' cute!
