Sunday, October 28, 2007

In laws, in town!

Murray's parents called us earlier in the week to let us know they were planning a visit this weekend & they arrived Friday night just after the girls had gone to sleep. We figured that with a busy couple of days ahead, it wouldn't be wise to start the weekend off with them overtired!

They were quite excited to wake up Sat am and find Nanny & Grampy there! Grampy went out & brought back breakfast sandwiches which I thought were delicious but the girls didn't appreciate one bit. Fussy kids, don't know a good thing when they see it!

The kids had fun playing with them for awhile & I whipped through a couple loads of laundry while they were occupied & got things ready for the multiples' Hween party that afternoon.

If you've ever wondered if God answers prayers, Sweetie can tell you He definitely does. A week or so ago, she was talking about how she missed Nanny & was getting a little upset. I thought a phone call might make her feel better. Nope. Once she heard that Nanny was too busy to visit, she just started crying harder "but I MISS Nanny!". She didn't much care about Nanny's school work or students who needed her. She was crying & getting pretty worked up. I suggested we tell God about her problem & pray about it. So she did. Night after night. He must have gotten the message because the plans for a visit came out of the blue and we hadn't mentioned Sweetie's prayers to them at all.

They left early today to go cottage hunting on the way home and Sweetie immediately threw herself to the floor crying once she saw the coats on & bags on the step. Nanny tried to settle her down but she wasn't having any of it. Thankfully, the other two were able to handle the departure a little better!
Thanks for the visit, but don't wait so long next time that we have to call in the Big Guy eh? : )))

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