Thursday, January 3, 2008

Boxing Day=Beat the Storm Day

After a busy Christmas day, we were enjoying Boxing Day, doing nothing in particular with no plans & nowhere we had to be. Then Rick called. ; ))) He'd been stalking, I mean checking the weather network and had noticed a storm warning for the 27th, our intended travel day. Rather than turn a 4 hour trip into an 8hour trip, we decided to pull up stakes a day early & hit the road. It seemed to take me forever to get laundry done and gifts wrapped and the car packed. We left here around 6ish & had a pretty good trip. Since we ate before we left, we only had to make one brief & inexpensive pit stop and just slid the girls right into bed when we arrived there. They entertained themselves in the car for quite awhile & then watched one of their movies and then slept the rest of the way, very peaceful! I got to use my new handy dandy book light & got through a good chunk of the novel I was working on.
The next morning Andrew & Mandy came over with our nephew Bo. The girls were all over him! they talked to him and were glued to Mandy's side for quite awhile as they watched him and brought him toys and showed him their stuff etc. Once we were all up & dressed we started Christmas all over again! Karen & Paul joined us shortly after we got started and eventually we worked our way through the very large present pile. Murray's parents got us a new tent that is more spacious than our current one so that should do the trick next summer. I'm looking forward to going camping! (you can remind me of this when I post the "camping trip from hell" entry next summer...)

Nancy went all out and spent most of the day preparing another big yummy Christmas dinner with turkey and all the trimmings. We ate very well while we were there!

Here's Rick getting some help digging out from the "storm". ; )))

After a couple days of being cooped up inside, I felt the need to get out and announced that we were taking the girls for a walk & we went around the block. It didn't take too long but served the purpose of getting some fresh air & sunshine.

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