Friday, January 4, 2008

Storm? I'll show YOU a storm!

Murray's creating some wicked snowbanks & has to push the scoop UPHILL to clear the driveway now. We are running out of space for all this white stuff!!!!

Well, as they say, payback's a well, a you know what. After teasing Rick endlessly about the "big storm" that didn't materialize as expected, I'm getting PLENTY of snow here now. As the locals know, we've had 4 heavy snowfalls this week.

Our driveway has been at least knee deep every time! Murray has spent many many hours shovelling and I've tried to do a bit too but I don't enjoy the "total body workout" quite as much as he does. I go out for my hour, call it my exercise and then hang up my shovel! I'd planned to go out yesterday but never got anywhere.

Today I did escape and went to do some birthday pictures of some twins in our group who just turned 5, so I've been working on proofing those tonight but it's time to call it quits.

Honey & Lovey's colds have improved but Sweetie's down now & she can really put you through your paces when she's not well. If Sweetie ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy! Murray's cold still hasn't improved and he picked up a large bottle of "medicine" today while he was out for hockey!

1 comment:

Tanya Siekman said...

I have to ask .... what kind of vehicle do you have to have to get through all that snow?
