Friday, March 14, 2008

How to get your child to settle for bedtime...

Murray likes to have some quiet, winding down time with the girls right before bed. He gets them to put their pj's on & then each pick out a story & they read a few books, cozy & tranquil like, on the couch while I run around & tidy the kitchen or whatever I need to do. Then once things are just about settled and bedtime is nearing tonight, he gets into a crazy wrestling match! He used to be able to take them, no problem, but as they get older, bigger, wiser & stronger, it's not so simple anymore. With them ganging up on him, it was no easy task to disentangle himself this time! The squeals & giggles could be heard all over the house and I figure that's not a bad way to end the day!
Sweet sweet Fridays also bring to mind those two favourite little words of mine.... Grammie got here after lunch & Lovey & I got ready to go out to her eye appointment. Early Intervention thought she might have a bit of a turned eye problem so I decided to get it checked out thoroughly even though the pre-screening for school came out ok.

Lovey was totally cooperative and patient as we were at the office for an hour. We had to wait a bit for our turn and then she had to do all sorts of tests & stare into lights & strange machines and answer lots of questions from strangers. She might be having some trouble with depth perception & the doctor wonders if her near sight is struggling. She can make out objects & see things up close but her eyes might be working really hard to do so. Her far sight was great and she was able to identify just about everything she was asked to on the "thirty" line (as in 30/20 or something maybe?).

Anyway, we have to go back for some more checking, this time with dilated pupils. I get the pleasure of administering the stinging eye drops at home before bringing her in. Should be fun!

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