Friday, March 14, 2008

Nanny Dearest!

Monday's arrival of Nanny & Auntie KK warmed my heart as two little words came to mind... "free babysitting" ; ))) Murray & I wasted no time & headed out for dinner & a movie that same night. We tried an Indian restaurant we'd never been to & enjoyed that. I talked Murray into one of my bizarre "kid with superpowers" favourite type of movie. Since he set his expectations at absolute rock bottom, he was pleasantly surprised when the movie turned out to be decent. I overindulged on popcorn at the movie (I can't resist the lure of that crunchy buttery smell). Unfortunately it didn't sit well & I didn't get to keep it : ( Other than that we had a great night to ourselves which is very very rare so we greatly appreciated getting some quality time in.

The girls had a great day with our company and received cute little Easter buckets with some goodies. They particularly enjoyed the super shrill whistles painted like ducks and ran around blowing those for awhile. Nanny & KK got a kick out of me being able to have a conversation on the phone with that racket in the background. I'm so used to tuning out their loudness, that I didn't even notice!

Eventually we got the girls to go outside to play & we climbed the icy mountains (snowbanks) in the yard & gathered many swords or pencils (aka icicles) depending on their usage at any given moment.

Sweetie enjoyed having Nanny for company & having someone to cuddle with at night but she was in fine form and kept Nanny awake til 3am or so with her litany of complaints/issues. Nanny was concerned that there might be some sort of physical/medical issue that is causing these episodes and googled some of the symptoms (bad breath, itchy back, sneezing, cough etc) and discovered these can be due to sinusitis. We suspected it was more misbehaviour than anything but decided "better safe than sorry" so I took her in to see Dr. H. Auntie KK came along and we got to hang out in the waiting area for awhile. Dr H examined her, checking her breathing, listening to her heart & lungs, had a good look in her ears & up her nose, looked at the itchy little bumps on her back and diagnosed her as having a bit of a cold and a lot of attitude! Since the complaints keep changing and nothing appears wrong with her, Dr H figures she's just looking for attention & trying to get more cuddling etc at night time. I was a little sheepish at having booked an appointment for nothing more than naughtiness but she kindly told me I'm not alone & many other parents have done the same thing. It was good to have ruled out that anything might actually be wrong with her.

Nanny & KK headed home on Wednesday morning & we set off for playgroup.

We were a little worried about how Wednesday night would go after 2 nights of having someone sleep in Sweetie's bed with her but other than some bedtime shenanigans, she left us alone the rest of the night.

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