Friday, August 22, 2008

More Outdoors!!!!!

Two days in a row of outdoor playtime! I'm trying to squeeze in as much as we can while we can. Although the girls are already looking forward to fall (ie Halloween) and winter (so they can make snowmen, snow angels and have Christmas), I am most definitely not anxious to get into the multiple layers of clothes, snowsuits and hats & mitts. Ugh! Going outdoors now is so simple (well as simple as things get around here), grab your flip flops & hop in your seat. (after arguing and chasing and nagging them to death for an hour). We went to meet a friend & we surprised her by showing up to play at the park.

You can see how they're all hanging on the big sister's every word. She was in charge & it was time to play princess and assign the roles. Lucky for us Disney has a large cast with lots of options to suit everyone : ))))

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