Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sunny Day!

Here we have one of their unique sisterly rituals. They all stand together in this sortof circle, then put one mittened hand each into the centre and say "sisterrrrrrrrrrrrs!!" and then they're ready to go.

We had a nice day earlier this week and I took full advantage & out we went. It feels like we rarely see the sun these days and almost never feel any warmth from it!

Murphy was looking pretty handsome!

Honey called for Lovey to come play her game and her response was:
Sure! but I need Mummy to do some of my pictures first!

I love it when they actually WANT to pose for pictures but it didn't last very long

Me:Sweetie! Be careful on the ice, you might fall down!
Her: I'm just sliding!!!!!!!!!

yep. ok then. Don't listen to meeeeeeeeee.

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