Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Holy Knock Knocks Batman!

Well we've entered the wonderful world of joke telling. It is an unskilled world and rarely funny.

Knock Knock.
Who's there?
refrigerator's sister bed blam
uhhhhhh, refrigerator's sister bed blam woo!!!! GET IT?????
well, no.
Why didn't you laugh?????
it doesn't make sense?

and so on it goes. They can recognize a good knock knock joke when they hear it from Dee Dee Doodle (knock knock, who's there? Jess. Jess who? Jess me silly! GET IT?) and are in stitches over these. However, they can NOT make up their own. Murray have been trying to help them out by making up our own to show them how it goes but no improvements. They understand the basic format but that's about the extent of it.

Had some fun yesterday after school! Boo came over to play and she let Teena hang out with us too. Apparently there was QUITE a discussion about this on the way over and Teena had to do some fancy talking to get included in the deal. I always find it amazing how independent Boo is. On her very first day of school, she didn't even want Teena to come in with her! The whole time Teena was there, Boo was telling her "it's OKAAAAY you can GO now!" Mine are skirt clingers who would have me stay nearby forever so this is what I'm used to.

They had a great time playing in the snow and we ventured into the field. the untouched, full of soft, fluffy, deep snow field. yeah. brilliant plan Kelly. Teena & I forged ahead and managed to pack it down a bit for them to follow us and they managed without too much trouble but Teena and I

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