Monday, February 16, 2009

More Fun in the Snow!

Another day, more snow, good temperatures, what's a girl to do? Drag unwilling kids outside of course! Honey was keen & got her stuff on in record time. It helps that she has a "new to her" snowsuit from Boo that is the perfect colour. Purple of course. This new suit is great but man oh man it's a fightmaker (I can say this with all of 2 days experience with it in the house).

I bought 3 new snowsuits this winter. I'd been looking for some & when I saw that Joe Fresh had them for $45 each I thought it was perfect. They're prettty pink, have fancy fur around the hood, rip & tear easily, let in snow to melt and chill little legs.... *sigh* I should have known better. The material seemed a bit soft but I figured "who would make a kids' snowsuit out of something that won't hold up to playing in the snow around here?" Well, apparently Mr. Fresh would. All three suits have numerous tears, the seams are coming undone and they're just a disaster. I picked up a couple Osh Kosh suits from a twin mom from my multiples group but one was too big & Boo's suit was getting too small so Teena & I traded & I now have 2 suits that fit & 1 that is the least disasterish of the three. However this leaves 2 desirable suits & 1 unacceptable suit. The desire for the "new" is a bit of a problem. I checked out Columbia snowpants at the mall on the weekend. $50 for a pair of PANTS? and they were 6X & black and the only ones they had. I left them there. I know we still have plenty of winter left so I need to come up with something! Anyway, since the new suit was purple, I gave it to Honey and she's pleased as punch of course. However, Lovey & Sweetie are a bit put out at this. They squabbled over the Osh Kosh suit. Finally I decided I'd pull a King Solomon on them & give half to each. That didn't fly with Lovey who wanted the whole thing to herself. I told her to choose which half she wanted but she just clamped her little hands over all of it & started screaming & kicking me when I tried to take one of the pieces. Well that settled that. Sweetie got the whole thing & Lovey ran to her room to cry.

I felt bad but didn't have another fancy suit to offer..... but did have new boots downstairs that they hadn't really used yet! and they had diamonds (errr somehting sparkly anyway) on them! I gave her a few minutes to cool off and then told her I had some new diamond boots she could wear. Well THAT got her attention in a hurry! Tears evaporated, smile back on full power, she jumped into her old crappy snowsuit and trotted off in her diamond boots, happy as can be. Probably not the best way to handle it but we all got outside for a couple of hours while I shovelled out the mailbox, the garbage box, the snowplow dump at the end of hte driveway & our neighbour's garbage box (her husband's away through the week so I wasn't sure she'd get a chance & tomorrow's garbage day).

I wasn't out there long when Sweetie had trouble with the coveted suit! The snowpants kept riding up & exposing her pants & letting snow in her boots. (Osh Kosh really needs to look into gaiters!) Maaaaaaaaaaaaaajor freak out. I let her inside & told her to put on her pink snowsuit instead & come back out. A little while later I hear her calling me from her bedroom window. I am instantly cranky. She's obviously not getting her snowsuit on!!!!!!!!! I holler for her to get down to the entryway and she tries to argue. I start my "you'd better MOVE before I count to 10 or you're in TROUBLE" routine &I hear her flying through the house to obey but screaming crying the whole way. I open the door & not only does she not have any of her snow gear on, but she's ditched her socks & pants as well. Cranky goes up a couple notches. Her pants had gotten wet so she ws just going to stay inside. I veto that plan & tell her to get pants & snowsuit BACK on ASAP. More crying screaming through the house and I go back to shovelling, not trusting myself to go in after her at that point. After a bit, the door opens & out she comes, perfectly dressed & ready to play. She is the last child to come in once we're done & wants to stay outside the longest. Go figure. Kids!

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