Sunday, February 15, 2009

Prince & Goldie

These were the names of the horses who pulled our sleigh two years ago & again last year. The girls had been asking a few weeks ago if we could make sure we got the same ones again. The stuff they remember!

It was a perfect day for a sleighride, big fluffy flakes falling down and not the least bit cold! and to top it all off, we DID get Prince & Goldie for our sleigh. And as if THAT wasn't enough, Fkoas decided to come along with us instead of hanging out with the other teens at the lodge while they waited for their turn. I was very flattered that she wanted to be with us :) (I think she likes us!!) Sweetie was in heaven and barely budged off Fkoas' lap the whole time.

Yet another highlight of the day. Woohoo, childhood dreams do come true :P

After the sleighride, we had a huge potluck supper with all the families and it was right some good! It has been said on many occasions that our church is the "most eatingest church around" and we do like our food. Today was no exception! The kids had a great time playing with the others and made a couple new friends who were 10 & 12 yrs old.

Between the cold weather & just being too tired, I haven't had the kids out as much as usual in the last couple of weeks so today helped make up for that! After they were done eating, they all wanted to go back outside & play on the huge hills the snowplows have made from clearing the parking lot. Then when we got home, Sweetie still wasn't ready to come in & she & Murray played out there another hour. I opened the door to check on them but couldn't see them in the dark but I could hear a fast approaching squeal & mad giggles and suddenly they zoomed by as Murray pushed her in the stroller. She loved every minute of it and was in no hurry to get inside. Murray finally asked her if she was getting cold and then she realized that her fingers were, and only then did she come in.

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