Sunday, February 15, 2009

Vday goodies!

Murray got me a dozen gorgeous roses earlier in the week when he was in town. He rarely goes into the "city" so he took the opportunity to do his shopping when he was on his way to hockey the other night. When I woke up the next morning they were waiting for me on the kitchen table.
and inside the bouquet were brand new diamond rings!!!!! not. ;) but I still like my original ones so that's fine by me.

I'd done a lot of baking this week for other people. We took cupcakes to the playgroup party and then we took a little cake over to Shirley with some Valentines and then I made a big cake for the youth group Vday party. Not one crumb for us & the girls were starting to ask why WE didn't get to eat anything!?!?!? I certainly didn't want anybody feeling neglected so I baked this one Saturday morning & decorated it after we got home from the birthday party.
We didn't have any major plans last night but we did have a game of scrabble, which I won! This is a verrrrrrrrry rare event and I even got over 300 points which is my best score ever! There are lots of old scoresheets in the box so I was able confirm this. Who knew I'd gotten so smart????

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