Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sleeeeeeeeeeep Over with my other girls :)

Having learned NOTHING from my last experience, I invited Babycakes & Fkoas (stands for fat kid on a smartie because that's how fast she's all over me when I sign in to MSN messenger) for another sleep(less)over. They got to our house at suppertime and promptly took over the rec room :) Sweetie, Lovey & Honey were looking forward to them coming alllllllllll day. So they were pretty pumped when supper was over & they could actually go play! They got to try some Wii tennis & bowling, build some boxes with the tiles and a bunch of other stuff before we got them settled into bed.

One little side bonus of having teenagers over is that if you need to go to the store while your husband is out for a run, YOU CAN! I hadn't had a chance to pick up any snacks in the afternoon and was thinking I"d have to wait for Murray to get back before I could make a run when it hit me! There were two pro's downstairs, I was optional!!!!!!!! So I bolted :)

I got Fkoas to bring her flat iron and Babycakes used the one I have & those two really worked some magic! My hair looked (and is still hanging in there!) awesome! Even the instructor of my circuit class commented how silky smooth it is! I'm pretty sure the two of them must have spent close to an hour on it so it's no wonder I don't often tackle this myself. Another bonus to being good friends with teenagers! They have lots of time to spend on you and think it's fun! :)

These girls keep me on my toes & I learn so much from them. We chat constantly online and get into all sorts of crazy topics and they make me laugh so hard with the videos they find for me and the stories they share. I love them to bits and am so glad they enjoy spending time with someone of my advanced age! :) Not only do they adore me (if i do say so myself ;))) they looooooooooooove my kids and help me out with them at the drop of a hat. Anytime that Murray can't make it to church, all I have to say is "can you..." and they're already nodding their heads and grabbing little hands & leading them off to sit with them while I go with the choir. Not even a hint of reluctance or annoyance, just immediate & willing assistance. When they're here, they get right down to play with them and they have so much fun. Fkoas snuck Sweetie off to another room and let her use her cell phone to call me in the kitchen. Sweetie thought this was just WILD!!! lol My girls obviously think these two are on pedestals and will sometimes ditch Murray to go sit with them anyway. I couldn't ask for better people for them to look up to & consider myself very blessed with their friendship. They are soooooooooo fetch!!!!!!!! (don't ask!)
As fun as they are, they're hard to keep up with! I hung in there but at 2:30am, I was done & went up to bed but they didn't crash til 4am or so. Not sure how they manage that kind of schedule but it didn't seem to slow them down any & were up when my girls went tearing downstairs to get them at 7am. With my free babysitting perks, I managed to get to the gym Friday morning and catch a class so that was really nice! When I got back, all 5 girls were cuddled up on the pull out, watching Enchanted & Fkoas was straightening Lovey's hair because Lovey had asked her to. How cute is that? Totally girl bonding time or what? : )))
So all in all, I'd say this was another successful event & likely to be repeated if they're willing :)

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