Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mail Call!

Well, Princess Pamela scored some major points today! Every day when we come home from wherever we've been, we stop & check the mailbox. Every single blessed day, they ask "is there anything for US??!??!?!?!? awwwwwwww, how come we NEVER get any mail????????"

Well not today! Today the answer was "yes! there's a parcel here for you to share!" and I passed it to them in the backseat to look at while I put the car in the driveway. Lovey looked at it & immediately said "I think it's a dress!" (very flat, square dress?). I said I didn't think it was a dress. Then she picked it up and held it and decided "it's a book".

We got it inside & they tore into it and sure enough, Lovey was right. Except it was actuallly THREE books! I tensed up a bit when I noticed one of the books came with paint & crayons and I braced myself for the fight to break out. There wasn't any. They sorted it out themselves & Honey got that one & Lovey & Sweetie took the other two. I almost fell over! They were very excited when they realized they were Dick & Jane workbooks and immediately wanted to do a few pages. They worked on that for a bit as I made lunch.

Thank you soooooooo much for thinking of them and giving them so much excitement and joy. Getting mail is a really big deal for them and the books are a huge hit. Princess Pamela, your generosity is greatly appreciated *hugs*.

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