Monday, March 9, 2009

School's In!

With all the sickness & storm days etc, it feels like the kids haven't been in school in ages! Today, however, they all went to preschool & I went to the gym! I haven't been there for almost 2 weeks so it was good to get back into the routine. I didn't go all out and my cardio left a little to be desired but you gotta start somewhere!

The kids were happy to see their friends again and had a good day. On the way home, we phoned GG to see what her schedule was like for the day and she was footloose and fancy free! I told her to grab her coat, we were coming to get her :) Luckily she's a low maintenance gal & doesn't require much prep. We came home for lunch here & GG read the girls some stories before I took them outside to play.

They almost always initially protest any talk of going outside. "I don't want to! I'm staying in! I want to watch tv" blah blah blah. Then I get them out there & they have a blast. They climbed the trees, the slid on the icy hills and making snowballs. When I wanted them to come in for a bath, I eventually had to threaten a time out to get them inside. GG had a rest while we were out there and finished their fairy story while I got the bath started. Then she kept them company while I baked a cake & started supper.

My cousin Matthew joined us for the meal & it was nice to have a full table. He & Sweetie had a great time playing "guess what animal I am" as she acted out "worm", "jelly fish" and I don't know what else. He must have played this before because he got them all right & I think she was quite impressed!

The kids were great all day, no fussing or whining (other than the we don't want to go out!/ we don't want to go in!) and were ready for bed before I left for bible study tonight. GG came along & went home with Aunt Cathy afterwards. Our get togethers had been cancelled the last two weeks due to weather so everyone was very excited to be back together again! Murray had hockey tonight so I had to scoot out early but I enjoyed being out at all!

Murray's drugs seem to be doing the trick, his headaches are overpowered by the niiiiiice codeine and the slime production has decreased significantly. He was a bit tired & was planning to grab a nap after the kids went to bed but he was awake when I got home so I'm not sure if that happened or not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice pics yesterday! I didn't get my nap last night... I could use one now tho!