Monday, May 11, 2009

Bible Study Gone Bad!

For many years I thought about joining a bible study at church. It seemed like the proper thing. . I'm a Christian but hadn't really picked up much bible knowledge since the stories I learned in Sunday School, and that just seemed wrong to me. Especially now that my own kids are in Sunday School, I can't have them getting ahead of me!!! Buuuuuuuuut I would picture sitting in a room, everyone very serious and quiet and discussing deep subjects with extensive biblical knowledge. I'd be put to shame and well to be honest, I didn't picture it as being much fun but rather dull and stuffy.

In the last couple of years I've joined a few different book studies and have found them to be much better than I'd expected. It turns out they're all normal people with real lives! Our latest study was the Alpha course and we did a previous one in the fall, Power of a Praying Woman. I have to say I loooooooove this Monday night group full of other young mothers, some grandmothers and everything in between. The range knowledge, experience, love, support and encouragement in that room, week after week is phenomenal. As we get into discussions and talk about our own families and our worries or fears or share funny stories, things tend to get rowdy. Yes, rowdy. We have woken the hostess' kids up on more than one occasion I'm sure with our antics and howls of laughter. It is such a great feeling to be able to spend time with these ladies and my life is blessed with the input and sharing this group has given me.

I'd like to introduce you to my Alpha Chicks, they really are the best!

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