Friday, June 5, 2009

"Congraduation" Day!

The girls had their last day at school today! Excitement has been high this week as this big event approached. Honey was more sad than excited though as she just doesn't want school to be over! Last night after choir practice, I decided they should have new dresses for "congraduation" (as Sweetie calls it) and dashed into the mall at 8:35. Unfortunately for me, no monster sales on at the kids' store so I ran down the hall to Sears where all the dresses were 25% off. Good thing Murray's got that second job!

When the girls woke up this morning, the dresses were hanging on their chairs at the kitchen table. Honey saw hers and loved it right away. Sweetie was almost speechless and Lovey was equally pleased with hers so the selections all worked out perfectly.

Murray & I dropped them off and ran to do a couple errands before going back for the ceremony at 10am. We met Grammie in the parking lot and went in to get a seat.

The kids were good and wound up by the time we got there and were excited to see us and came over for a quick visit until the teachers needed them back. They went out of the room for a few minutes and then all came back in wearing graduation caps! They were toooooooooo cute!
The ceremony was very brief and they all got diplomas and a little goodie bag & then we all had refreshments. Lovey got herself a plate of cheesies, chips and cake. Sweetie went and got some strawberries, carrots, cucumber, tomato, canteloupe and a slice of ham. Honey had a little bit of everything.
Afterwards, we were gathering up their things and saying goodbye to their teachers. They told them how glad they were to have them this year and how well rounded they were. Michael (their main teacher) told me that one of his favourite memories this year was during a show & tell day. They were going around the room one by one and it wasn't Sweetie's turn yet but she had her hand up in the air, waving at him. So, he asked what she wanted. "Michael? (pause.......) ummmmmmmmmmmm.... I love you." He also wrote a note to each girl & hers said "you are very talented at expressing yourself through art" which I'm pretty sure is teacherspeak for "you sure know how to make a mess!" LOL
Honey's card said she had a wonderful way of expressing herself, has wonderful manners and is very sweet. (knows her own mind but is fairly polite about it?)
Lovey's said "you are a really good storyteller" (talks too much?)
It thought these little notes were a nice touch!

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